Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
NNPS Family and Community Engagement

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What is Family & Community Engagement?

Summer Camps and Programs

There are three influences in a student's life: families, schools, and communities. We believe when they work together, students do better. Everyone benefits when schools and families are engaged in their children's education.

We offer a variety of research-based programs and initiatives that are targeted to increase family and community engagement. Each experience is designed to improve skills, deepen networks, enrich values, and increase confidence. 

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Kindergarten Ready

Families participate in The Basics Program, First Steps, and attend our Kindergarten Transitions to ensure your child is prepared for kindergarten.

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Reading by Grade 3

Make sure your child attends school regularly and doesn't miss more than 10 days per year. Communicate regularly with the school and keep your information updated.

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Meeting or Exceeding State Standards

Schools learn best practices to establish trusting relationships and effective communication with families and community.

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Graduating College, Career, and Citizen Ready

Communities join our Community Cluster Boards to establish family support systems and pathways for students to be prepared for the 21st Century.

Our mission is to transform the way families, schools, and communities work together.

  • Shared Leadership: Families and schools are equal partners in decisions that affect our schools. Together we influence and create procedures, practices, and programs.
  • Families as Experts: Families observe, guide, promote, and participate in the everyday learning of their children at home, school, and in their communities. Families and schools develop the school compact and district policy together.
  • Authentic Relationships: Families and schools engage in two-way communication on a regular basis to advance student learning.
  • Educators as Learners: Providing education and professional development for leaders, teachers, families, and others to advance their knowledge and skills relative to the roles they play in family and community engagement.
  • Community Capacity: Families, schools, and communities form connections through strategic events and programs. These connections lead to improved family stability, enriched learning, and a positive culture.
  • Continuous Improvement: Our team establishes systems and procedures to evaluate and continuously improve family and community engagement efforts.
  • Family-Driven Goals: Our team utilizes The Basics Family Partnership Process, and Design Thinking to identify family concerns and create actionable plans.